NMKR NMKR integrations

Use Nekton to connect NMKR with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate NMKR integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate NMKR with other services

Nekton AI can integrate NMKR with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your NMKR workflows:

NMKR actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in NMKR API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for NMKR. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Create One-Time Payment Link for Random NFT
Creates a one-time payment link for a random NFT in a specified NFT Minting project. This link can only be used once.
Create Payment Link for Specific NFT
Creates a payment link for a specific NFT.
Mint and Send Random NFT to Address
Mints and Sends a random NFT to a specified wallet address. Requires the NMKR Studio Account to have enough Mint Coupons available.
Upload New NFT to NFT Minting Project
Uploads a new unminted NFT to an existing NFT Minting project.
Check Payment Link Status
Checks if a Payment has already been made and returns information about it.
Create Payment Link for Random NFT
Creates a payment link for a random NFT in a specified NFT Minting project.
Create New NFT Minting Project
Creates a new empty NFT Minting Project
Mint and Send Specific NFT to Address
Mints and Sends a specific NFT to a specified wallet address. Requires the NMKR Studio Account to have enough Mint Coupons available.
New NFT Minted
Triggers when a new NFT gets minted in a specified project.

About NMKR

NMKR is an NFT Creation and Selling tool using the Cardano blockchain.