NektonIntegrationsCommerce Whop

Whop Whop integrations

Use Nekton to connect Whop with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate Whop integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate Whop with other services

Nekton AI can integrate Whop with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your Whop workflows:

Whop actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in Whop API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Whop. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Add Free Days to a Membership
Extend a Membership's next renewal date or expiration date by a specified number of days. This is especially useful for promotions or to drive user engagement. Once the Membership's updated renewal/expiration date has been reached, it will renew or expire as normal.
Create a Plan
Create a plan
Create a Quick Link
Create a quick link (or release link) for a plan. This will copy over all data from an existing plan and make a new plan with the same data that can be used as a one-time release link. You can change the stock and metadata on the new plan.
Retrieve an Experience
Returns a specific Experience, using its unique ID. Experiences represent what the customer receives or unlocks when they purchase a Membership. Products can have an unlimited number of Experiences, and Experiences can be shared between different products.
Retrieve a Plan
Returns a specific Plan, using its unique ID. Plans represent a pricing and release method configuration used to purchase a Product. Creating multiple Plans can be useful for offering different billing periods, discounts for certain user groups, or tracking specific releases.
Create a Checkout Session
Creates a new Checkout Session. A Checkout Session allows specific data to be attached to a Membership upon purchase and customization of the checkout experience.
Create a Promo Code
Creates a new promo code with the given parameters. A promo code can offer a discount or a free period for a specific set of plans or for all plans in your company. The promo code can be applied to either new users only or all users, and can be limited to a specific number of uses or have unlimited uses. If an expiration date is specified, the promo code will no longer be redeemable after that date.
Terminate a Membership
Terminates a specific Membership, using its unique ID. It will immediately invalidate the Membership, and the User will/should have their Product's Experiences unfulfilled. Termination is irreversible, so a User will have to re-purchase if they wish to continue their access.
Retrieve Customer
Retrieves a member
Retrieve a Membership
Returns a specific Membership, using its unique ID. A Membership represents an instance of a User purchasing a Product. If a Membership is valid, the User has/should have access to the Experiences associated with the Product. If a Membership is invalid, the User will/should have their Product's Experiences unfulfilled.
Retrieve a Product
Returns a specific Product, using its unique ID. Products represent what the customer has purchased from your company. Therefore, the Product can be used to provide context to the user (and your application) on what they have purchased.
Membership Went Invalid
Triggers when a membership goes invalid.
Payment Failed
Triggers when a user's payment to your company fails.
Membership Went Valid
Triggers when a membership goes valid.
Payment Succeeded
Triggers when your company receives a successful payment.

About Whop

Whop is a platform to buy and sell digital products.