NektonIntegrationsEmail Newsletters Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor Campaign Monitor integrations

Use Nekton to connect Campaign Monitor with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate Campaign Monitor integrations with Nekton

Personalized and timely emails will increase your marketing ROI. Nekton can help by automatically adding leads to your Campaign Monitor account so you can start your campaigns faster. You can even back up your data on Google Sheets to keep accurate records of who has subscribed and unsubscribed from your lists.

Create automations that integrate Campaign Monitor with other services

Nekton AI can integrate Campaign Monitor with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your Campaign Monitor workflows:

Campaign Monitor actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in Campaign Monitor API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Campaign Monitor. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Send Smart Transactional Email
Sends a smart transactional email.
Remove a subscriber from a list.
App Extensions (Beta)
Performs an API call using an App Extension (Beta) entry, which you can select or create, later within this Flow's setup. App Extensions (Beta) can be reused across multiple flows and are managed centrally through the App Extensions (Beta) builder.
Find Subscriber
Find a subscriber by email within a given list.
Add Subscriber
Create a new subscriber on a list.
Update Subscriber
Update a subscriber on a list.
API Request (Beta)
This is an advanced action which makes a raw HTTP request that includes this integration's authentication. This is useful if an application has an API endpoint that Nekton doesn't implement yet. You will be expected to read and utilize the API documentation provided by the application. Further, if the application changes their API, you will be expected to make the appropriate fixes and updates.
Find or Create Subscriber
Find or Create Subscriber
New Bounce
Triggers when an campaign email to someone bounces (ie. could not be delivered).
New Client
Triggers when a client is added to Campaign Monitor.
New Email Open
Triggers when someone opens an email from one of your Campaigns.
New Bounced Transactional Message
Triggers when a transactional message bounces.
New Click Through
Triggers when someone clicks through an email from one of your Campaigns.
New List
Triggers when a list is added for a client.
New Subscriber
Triggers when a new subscriber is added to a list.
New Unsubscribe
Triggers when a someone unsubscribes from a list.

About Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing tool built for designers. Campaign Monitor makes it easy to send beautiful emails, manage lists and subscribers, and track the results of your campaigns.