NektonIntegrationsEmail Email by Nekton
NektonIntegrationsNekton Email by Nekton

Google Calendar Email by Nekton Google Calendar integration with Email by Nekton

How to Send emails for new events matching search in Google Calendar

This integration sends emails for new events matching search in Google Calendar.

  4.2/5 from 10 votes. About 5 minutes to complete.

Steps to automate

Use workflow automation service.
Create Nekton account. You can also use your existing Google account to sign in.
Create automation
  • Click on the "Create new workflow" button, and then add "Automated step".
  • Set the step description to "Send emails for new events matching search in Google Calendar" and then click on "Automate".
  • Provide the necessary parameters and click on the "Test it" button to check your automation. If you had issues with it, you can click on "Automate" again to try a different one.
Create a schedule (optional)
If you want to run this automation on a schedule, click on the gear button on the workflow editor screen to configure it. For example, you can run this flow every hour or every day.

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Email by Nekton actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in Email by Nekton API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Email by Nekton. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Send Outbound Email
Send an email from your own custom
New Inbound Email
Triggers when an email is forwarded to your own custom
New Read Receipt
Triggers when an email that you've enabled read receipts on via our

About Email by Nekton

Send and receive email via a custom Nekton email address at "". This is great for triggering off of emails and sending custom emails. (Max of 10 email sends per hour.) Have direct access to your own email servers? Check out our IMAP and SMTP services!