
Use Nekton to connect with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate with other services

Nekton AI can integrate with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your workflows: actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Assign Lead
Assign the lead to a user
Change Lead's Title
Change the title of a lead
Change Step
Change the step of a lead
Add Comment
Create a comment on a specific lead based on the parameters given. This action only works for
Add Tags
Create a new tag on a specific lead based on the parameters given. This action only works for
Set Amount and Probability
Set the amount and the probability of a lead
Find Lead
Finds a lead from an email address.
Find or Create Lead
Finds a lead from an email address.
Add Attachment
Add an attachment to a lead
Call Simplified API
Call our simplified API to interact with your data
Change Status
Change the status of a lead to Standby, Won, Cancelled or Lost
Log an Activity
Log an activity on a specific lead based on the parameters given. This action only works for
Create Prospect
Create a prospect on a specific prospecting list based on the data given. This action only works for
Create Lead
Creates a new lead.
Set the Estimated Closing Date
Set the estimated closing date on a lead
Find a Prospecting List
Finds a prospecting list by searching.
New Lead Assigned
Triggers when a lead is assigned or re-assigned to someone. This trigger only works for
New Lead Content or Title Changed
Triggers when the content or the title of a lead is updated. This trigger only works for

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