NektonIntegrationseCommerce ThriveCart

ThriveCart ThriveCart integrations

Use Nekton to connect ThriveCart with thousands of other services, and automate your day-to-day tasks. Describe what you want to automate in plain language, and Nekton AI will create automation for you.

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Automate ThriveCart integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate ThriveCart with other services

Nekton AI can integrate ThriveCart with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your ThriveCart workflows:

ThriveCart actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in ThriveCart API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for ThriveCart. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
App Extensions (Beta)
Performs an API call using an App Extension (Beta) entry, which you can select or create, later within this Flow's setup. App Extensions (Beta) can be reused across multiple flows and are managed centrally through the App Extensions (Beta) builder.
API Request (Beta)
This is an advanced action which makes a raw HTTP request that includes this integration's authentication. This is useful if an application has an API endpoint that Nekton doesn't implement yet. You will be expected to read and utilize the API documentation provided by the application. Further, if the application changes their API, you will be expected to make the appropriate fixes and updates.
Affiliate Approved
Triggers when an affiliate is approved to promote a product.
Affiliate Commission Paid
Triggers when an affiliate commission is paid.
Affiliate Rejected
Triggers when an affiliate is rejected from promoting a product, or when their access is revoked.
Bump Purchase
Triggers when a specific bump (or bumps) are purchased.
Downsell Purchase
Triggers when a specific downsell (or downsells) are purchased.
Upsell Purchase
Triggers when a specific upsell (or upsells) are purchased.
Recurring Payments Cancelled
Triggers when a recurring payment for a subscription or a split pay is cancelled.
Recurring Payment Failed
Triggers when a subscription or split pay rebill payment fails.
Subscription Paused
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is paused.
Affiliate Commission Earned
Triggers when an affiliate earns commission.
Affiliate Commission Clawback
Triggers when an affiliate commission is clawed back.
Cart Abandoned
Triggers when a customer enters their email address into the checkout page, but leaves without making a purchase.
Payment Declined
Triggers when a customer's card is declined for the initial payment of a product.
Product Purchase
Triggers when a specific product (or products) are purchased.
Rebill Payment
Triggers when a successful rebill payment is made.
Recurring Payments Completed
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is completed and all payments have been made successfully.

About ThriveCart

ThriveCart is the no. 1 cart software that grows your income from existing traffic.