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CloudBlue Connect CloudBlue Connect integrations

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Automate CloudBlue Connect integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate CloudBlue Connect with other services

Nekton AI can integrate CloudBlue Connect with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your CloudBlue Connect workflows:

CloudBlue Connect actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in CloudBlue Connect API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for CloudBlue Connect. Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Approve Asset Request
Vendors can use this action to approve a concrete request that is in status pending.
Change Status of Listing Request
Vendors and Distributors can use this action to change status Listing Requests.
Confirm Asset Request
Vendors can use this action to confirm a concrete request that is in status revoking.
Create Asset Cancel Request
Distributors can create cancel requests using this action, in order to cancel an asset.
Create Asset Change Request (With Line Items Support)
Allows the creation of a single request of type "change" on a existing asset in CloudBlue Connect. The asset identifier can be passed from previous steps of the Flow.
Create Asset Purchase Request (With Line Items Support)
Distributors can create purchase requests using this action, action has line items support to add multiple items or set multiple parameters of ordering type together with the request.
Create Asset Resume Request
Allows the creation of a single request of type "resume" on a existing asset in CloudBlue Connect. The asset identifier can be passed from previous steps of the Flow.
Create Billing Request
Distributors and Vendors can create a new Billing Request.
Create a Helpdesk Case
Can create a helpdesk cases using this action,
Add Conversation Message
Vendors and Distributors can use this actions to add messages to conversations on multiple objects like asset requests, this messages can be seen by vendors and distributors and can provide valuable information like reason why a request has not been approved.
Create Update Tier Config Request
Distributors can create Update Tier Config Requests for existing Tier Configs, the Tier Config ID is required and can be obtained using the search, the list of parameters to update must be known and could be all of type order.
Reject Tier Configuration Request
Vendors can use this action to Reject Tier Configuration Requests.
Fill Asset Request Parameters (With Line Items Support)
Vendors can use this action to populate values for Fulfillment parameters on Asset requests that are in pending status, with the help of line items support is possible to populate them dynamically and populate the ones resulting from previous steps of the Flow.
Fill Tier Config Request Parameters (With Line Items Support)
Vendors can use this action to populate values for Fulfillment parameters on Tier Config Requests, with the help of line items support is possible to populate them dynamically and populate the ones resulting from previous steps of the Flow.
Set Case to Inquire Status
Allows the settings on the "Inquire" status on a existing helpdesk case in CloudBlue Connect. The asset identifier can be passed from previous steps of the Flow.
Inquire Asset Request (With Line Items Support)
Vendors can use this action to inquire a request setting multiple parameters that needs changes, this action is useful when external systems can define the list of parameters to inquire for.
Inquire a Tier Configuration Request (With Line Items Support)
Vendors can use this action to inquire a pending Tier Config Request for parameters obtained on previous steps of the flow, like for example when interacting with Vendor API and API can define multiple fields that requires refinement.
Reject Asset Request
Distributors and Vendors can use this action to reject a concrete request.

About CloudBlue Connect

CloudBlue Connect is a supply automation platform that manages your products and services, contracts, ordering and fulfillment, usage and subscriptions.