NektonIntegrationsCustomer Support integrations

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Automate integrations with Nekton

Create automations that integrate with other services

Nekton AI can integrate with many online apps and tools. Here are some popular integrations you can try to automate your workflows: actions

Nekton can use any feature that is available in API. Using our advanced AI, you can easily create custom automations for Here are some typical actions you can do in your automated workflows.
Create or Update Customer
Creates an onboardee customer. If an external ID or website is provided matches an existing customer, that customer will be updated.
Create Map
Creates a Map with an owner, and optional target launch date and generates tasks based on variable options selected. Note: at least one variable option is required for the Map to be created.
Create Global Task
Creates a Global Task
Create Variable
Creates a Variable
Find Onboardee by Email
Finds an Onboardee User by email.
Update Map
Updates a Map with an owner, and optional target launch date and generates tasks based on variable options selected. Note: at least one variable option is required for the Map to be created.
Get Map Info
Gets information about a Map by the provided ID.
Find Variable by Name
Finds a Variable by name
Add Team Member to Map
Adds an existing team member to a Map.
Create Discussion Message
Posts a message on a particular task's discussion in a Map. The message will be posted as a company user in the discussion with your company name and logo.
Create Global Task Section
Creates a global Task Section
Create Team Member
Creates a Team Member
Find Map Task
Action to find a specific Map Task by name and Map id.
Invite Customer to Map
Invite someone from the Customer's team to a Map.
Update Map Task
Updates a Task status within an existing Map. (Requires Map Task ID)
Find Team Member by Email
Finds a Team Member in your account by email.
Find Variable Option
Finds available variable options in account.
Customer Custom Field Updated
Triggers when selected customer custom field is updated.


Onboard is a SaaS made specifically for customer implementation. Customized MAPS allow teams to automate the best implementation plans and provide visibility for every customer.